Iftar in the Community

Shrewsbury Muslim Centre held its first Iftar in the Community on Tuesday 29th April (13th Ramadan). It was lovely to be able to welcome many members of the local community; Mr Phil Gillam , Deputy Mayor, representatives of Shrewsbury 1st Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, West Mercia Police and a whole range of friends and neighbours…


It costs over £600 per week in expenses to run Shrewsbury Muslim Centre. PLEASE find it in your heart to donate regularly to maintain our Mosque. You can complete a Direct Debit (£100, £50, £30, £20, £10, £5, even £2 each month will help us out). Take a Direct Debit form for your family, your…

Tharawih Prayers at SMC

We are blessed and grateful to announce that Tharawih Prayers at SMC will be led by Hafiz Md Khairul Along from Cardiff and also two Darul Aloom graduate Hafiz from Leicester, one of whom was born in Shrewsbury, alhamdulillah, during the holy month of Ramadan. May we take this opportunity to wish everyone a blessed…

SMC Open Day (22nd October)

Shrewsbury Muslim Centre will be holding an Open Day on Sunday 22nd October, from 12 noon until 3:30pm.  Everyone is welcome to visit our Prayer Centre at any time during these hours, have a look around the building and chat to some of the people who regularly worship there. Simple refreshments will be provided. No…

Eid Prayers at Shewsbury Muslim Centre

Shrewsbury Muslim Centre is pleased to announce that Eid bayyan will begin at 9:30 am, led in English by Imam Yasin; the prayer itself will begin at 10am on Monday 26th  or possibly Sunday 25th June, depending upon the sighting of the Moon. Please see the website for confirmation. Given parking and space constraints it…

Family Event (9th July 2017)

We are proud to announce that Mufti Saif ul-Islam from Bradford will be giving a talk at SMC. In addition to his speech, the boys and girls who have attended SMC Madrasa will receive prizes and certificates denoting their progress and achievement. It will be a wonderful chance to hear an informative, educational and inspiring…

Human Appeal Collection

Also in Ramadan we will be holding collections for the Human Appeal charity. On Friday 16th June Taraweeh prayer will be led by the esteemed Imam of Masjid Qiblatayn and Teacher of ira’ah from Masjid an Nabawi, and also Qari Eisa bin Jamal, at which the Human Appeal collection will be raised.

Taraweeh Prayers 2017

Taraweeh prayers will be held during the holy month of Ramadan as usual at Shrewsbury Muslim centre. We are blessed this year in that the recitation and prayers will be led by Hafiz Maulana Yasin, who has supported our community for many, many years, and also Guest Hufaz Maulana Junaid Ahmed from Bangladesh. The prayers…

SMC 2nd open day!

25th September between 12pm-2.30pm, arranged by Shrewsbury Muslim Centre – 2 Preston street, SY2 5NY. (light refreshments will be provided). We would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance by email. Many Thanks

Multicultural Fun Day

As every year Shrewsbury Muslim Centre will be supporting the Multicultural Fun Day which takes place on Saturday 17th September at the United Reformed Church in Shrewsbury. The event starts at 12 noon and runs through to 4:30. This is a great, family event at which members of the community, of many faiths and none,…