Shrewsbury Muslim Centre has been opened to provide a place of worship for the Muslim community of Shropshire and beyond and to give Muslims a presence from which to participate in the life of the Shropshire community. May Allah swt give us the ability to perform this function to the best of our ability.
The Prayer Centre has disabled access. There are separate prayer and wudu facilities for men and women. At present though separate entrances exist to men’s and women’s prayer rooms, access to wudu areas is shared. Plans exist, finances permitting, to create separate wudu entrances in the future.
The Prayer Centre is open for the five daily prayers. Tarawih prayers are held every night during the month of Ramadan. Shared iftar meals are also available during the fasting month.
Tajweed lessons are available to men on request from the Imam. Ladies will be directed to a qualified female teacher on asking a member of the Prayer Centre Committee.
The Prayer Centre Committee is appointed yearly, to see the daily running of the Prayer Centre. Any comments, requests, ideas, issues should be raised with a member of the Committee, the names of which are displayed on the Prayer Centre notice board.
On week days and at times during the school holidays a madrasa is held for school aged children. All money raised through subscriptions is given towards the running of the Prayer Centre.
The Prayer Centre hosts a Sisters’ Group which meets to discuss, chat and organise education and social events.
We have the facility to provide Islamic nikath (wedding) ceremonies. It is hope insha’allah that in the future civil marriage registration will also be able to take place in the Prayer Centre.
The Prayer Centre is open to visits or to facilitate meetings and talks with other bodies, such as schools, colleges, faith and community groups. Please contact the Prayer Centre for further information. Should any individual or group be interested in finding out more about our beautiful religion or need help with converting to the path of Allah swt, please contact the Prayer Centre and we will respond to your need as best we possibly can, insha’allah.