December’s SMC Sunday talk

Salam all, Please be reminded that December’s ‘Shrewsbury Muslim Centre Sunday talk’ will be led by Imam Ikram, this Sunday 13th December, entitled Abu Bakr (ra) Companion of the Prophet (pbuh). For this day only ‘Asr jamat (congregational prayer) will be at 3pm instead of the advertised 2:30pm; this will allow about one hour for…

SMC interfaith festival

Interfaith Forum Shrewsbury have arranged a multifaith religious festival celebration on 15th December, Tuesday, at URC, 6pm until 9pm. All are cordially invited to attend and support this special event. Please bring finger food.

Parking SMC notice

Salam brothers and sisters, We have had a very strong complaint from the Landlord Managing Agents of the local homes and businesses surrounding SMC. Some brothers/sisters are parking in the private car park behind SMC and this is causing distress and annoyance to the local people. This is definitely not a time at which we…

Short Sunday Educational Talks

SMC are pleased to announce that a number of short educational talks will take place on one Sunday per month over the next few months as follows: Sunday 21st February. Shaykh Hassan Ahmed Chowdury (Imam Chester Masjid), ‘Duties towards Mankind in Islam-Haqaq ul ibaad’. (Please note: This talk is scheduled to begin after Asr Jamaat at 4:00pm.) Sunday 20th…

Bob Blackaby

It is with great sadness that we hear that Bob Blackaby sadly passed away on Thursday morning (24/09/2015). Bob had always been very much involved in Shrewsbury Interfaith Forum from its early days, as he was a firm believer in harmony and peace between the different faith groups. He was also involved in the recent…

Eid al-Adha 2015 Mubarak!

Eid will take place Insha’Allah this Thursday on the 24th of September  and Eid prayers will be held at SMC; speech beginning at 9:30 am and salat beginning at 10:00. Sisters and children are welcome to the prayer. There will be a collection to raise money for SMC so we humbly encourage all to being…

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak!

Shrewsbury Muslim Centre are pleased to announce that Eid prayers will take place at 10 am Insha’Allah on Friday or Saturday. We would like to wish everyone a wonderful Eid and pray that Allah swt rewards your fasting and ibadah and showers you and your family with blessings.

Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam visits SMC

SMC are pleased to announce that insha’allah Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam from Bradford will be leading the Jummua prayer on Friday 17th April. The Shaykh is a classically trained scholar who memorised the Holy Qur’an by the age of thirteen. He studied the Arabic language and a range of Islamic Sciences at Darul Uloom, Bury,…