Shrewsbury Muslim Centre is a new prayer centre, which opened by the Grace of Allah swt for the first prayers on 4th April 2014. It is a prayer centre to which all are welcome, regardless of race, age, background, nationality or gender. Muslims pray here from the United Kingdom and many other countries besides, most of whom are proud to live and work or study in our beautiful county of Shropshire. After many years of only having a Friday prayer facility by the kindness of the leaders and congregation of the United Reformed Church in Shrewsbury, these premises were found. With Almighty God’s guidance and support members of the Bangladeshi Welfare Association in Shropshire worked tirelessly over more than twelve years to find suitable premises, rejecting a number of lesser possibilities, raising money, creating political will and overcoming many obstacles. May Allah swt bless and reward them. With the support of Shropshire Council and a great number of Shropshire residents of all faiths and none, the building was designated and opened as the Muslim Prayer Centre. Our opening meeting, with the purpose of thanking the local residents and supporters filled the hall with over two hundred people. This reflects our ethos of being open to and part of the local community. In line with this policy we have already been open to visitors from Shrewsbury Interfaith Group, West Mercia Police, local schools, councillors and national politicians, not least of all Shropshire Football Association. We have held talks at Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology and been warmly welcomed at an old people’s sheltered housing complex. In the tradition of our building’s past history as a school and Shrewsbury Registry Office we view ourselves as an active and supportive part of the local community. We maintain strong links with the local council. We are open to visits by the local community. We have supported Shropshire’s Multicultural Day and raised money for charities on many occasions. We do not and will not support any sectarian or extremist behaviour or attitude whatsoever. With the aim of maintaining and developing good community participation and relations, improving ourselves as Muslims and spreading the word of Allah Almighty please pray for our continued existence, good work and well-being, both in this world and the next.
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